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Difference between Recurring & Sample document in SAP

Updated: Jun 22

What is Reference Document in SAP ?

A reference document is a document from which data is copied to another document. Both the recurring & sample document in SAP are reference documents. They are mainly used to post transactions to General Ledger Accounts. Reference documents are useful when there are many entries to be done, such as many debits and credits

Reference Document -

  • Recurring Document - FBD1

  • Sample Document - F-01

PATH >> SAP Easy access > Accounting > Financial Accounting > General Ledger > Document Entry > Reference Documents

Recurring entry

What is Recurring Document in SAP ?

A Recurring document in SAP is a business transaction that repeats regularly. Once the Recurring entries are created they get posted into the SAP system as per the defined schedule. You can use recurring entries in General Ledger, Accounts Payables, and Accounts Receivables postings.

Some examples of recurring entries include: Rent, Lease payments, Prepaid insurance, Office rent, Insurance expense where the same amount is posted over regular periods.

>> To create Recurring Document with T-Code FBD1-

STEP 1: Enter company code, First Run & Last Run, Interval , Document type

Recurring entry

First Run on - Date from which the first recurring entry is to be carried out.

Last Run on - Date up until which the final recurring entry is to be carried out.

Interval in months - Interval, in months, between each run of the recurring entry.

Run date - Calendar day on which the recurring entry is to be carried out. If you do not specify a day, then the calendar day which you entered in the "First run on" field is used.

STEP 2: Enter values for 1st line item fields.

Recurring entry

STEP 3: Enter values for 2nd line item fields and Post

Recurring entry

Document 9100000000 was stored in company code BAJA.

Path to Execute : SAP Easy access> Accounting> FI> GL> Periodic Processing > Recurring Entries >

>>To view list of Recurring Documents use T-Code F.15

Enter company Code, Fiscal year , Document number and Execute to view list.

Recurring entry

>> To Execute Recurring Document with T-Code F.14

STEP 1: Enter Company Code, Doc. Number, Fiscal year, Next Run on and Execute.

Recurring entry

Session SAPF120 was created.

STEP 2: Go to 'Batch input: Session' with T-Code SM35 , select and process the batch (keep pressing enter until process is finished)

Recurring entry

Check Document posted with T-Code FB03L

Recurring entry

What is Sample Document in SAP ?

Sample document is a reference document for the original documents. It will not update any transaction figures. We can use the sample documents for month end provisions.

>>To create Sample Document with T-Code FBM1

STEP 1: Enter Company code, Posting date, Doc type, Period, Currency and press Enter

Sample document

STEP 2: Enter the line item value fields and click on Post

Sample document

Document 9299999999 was stored in company code BAJA

>> To view the sample document use T-Code FBM3

Sample document

>> To post sample document with T-Code FBR1

STEP 1: Enter Document Number,Company Code, Fiscal year and press Enter

Sample document

STEP 2: again press Enter

Sample document

STEP 3: Check the document(modify if necessary) and click on Post.

Sample document

Document 100000008 was posted in company code BAJA

Difference between Sample & Recurring Document

SAMPLE Document


A Sample document is created as a template.

It is used for Accrual or Deferral, where transaction occurs every period.

Can change all the fields except company code and currency

Can change the posting date & cannot change the amount

Posted with reference any time.

Executed at Period-End.

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