AUC stands for Asset under construction where some assets are in construction phase and cost needs to capture through internal order for the time being. Once asset is fully completed then cost would be transferred to another cost object (E.g. Cost center) and settle with final asset.
Directly Through AUC
At the time of purchase, book it under AUC
1:- Specify Account Determination
Path:- Simg, Financial Accounting, Asset Accounting, Organizational Structures, Asset Classes, Specify Account Determination.
2:- Create Screen Layout Rules
Path:- Simg, Financial Accounting, Asset Accounting, Organizational Structures, Asset Classes, Create Screen Layout Rules.
3:- Define Number Range Interval
Path:- Simg, Financial Accounting, Asset Accounting, Organizational Structures, Asset Classes, Define Number Range Interval.
Click on Intervals
Click on insert line
4:- Define Asset Classes
Path:- Simg, Financial Accounting, Asset Accounting, Organizational Structures, Asset Classes, Define Asset Classes.
Status of AUC select line item settlement
5:-Configuration to Determine the G/L Accounts to post the Asset Transactions (AO90)
Click on Account Determination and click on position and search C001 auc
Acquisition account assignment tab assign FA-AUC GL and save
6:-Depreciation area in the asste class (OAYZ)
Click on position and select your asste class
select your asste class and click on depreciation areas.
Enter Screen Lyout 1000 and dep.kye 000
7:-Current assets master data (AS01)
Click on Master data
Time Dependent tab
enter your cost center
Deprec. Area tab
Dkey 0000 enter and save
The asset 303 0 is created
8:- Asset Purchase (F-90)
Asset purchase refers to the acquisition of tangible or intangible assets for a company's use, such as machinery, equipment, vehicles, buildings, or software licenses.
31 Posting Kye Vendor Credite Invoice
Posting Kye 70 Debit Asset and Transaction type 100
Click on Post Document 1900000008 was posted in company code C001
9:-Document display (FB03)
Click on Asset Accounting
Display Document data entry view
9:-Asset Explorer AW01N
At the completion of asset, AUC is settled to final asset.
1:- Specify Account Determination
Path:- Simg, Financial Accounting, Asset Accounting, Organizational Structures, Asset Classes, Specify Account Determination.
2:- Create Screen Layout Rules
Path:- Simg, Financial Accounting, Asset Accounting, Organizational Structures, Asset Classes, Create Screen Layout Rules.
3:- Define Number Range Interval
Path:- Simg, Financial Accounting, Asset Accounting, Organizational Structures, Asset Classes, Define Number Range Interval.
Click on Intervals
Click on insert line
4:- Define Asset Classes
Path:- Simg, Financial Accounting, Asset Accounting, Organizational Structures, Asset Classes, Define Asset Classes.
Status of AUC Select No AUC summary management of AUC
5:- Configuration to Determine the G/L Accounts (AO90)
Path:-simg, Financial Accounting, Asset Accounting, Integration with General Ledger Accounting, Assign G/L Accounts.
Click on Account Determination and click on position and search C001 Bul
Click on Balance Sheet account and Acquisition account assignment tab assign FA-BUL GL and save
6:-Depreciation area in the asset class (OAYZ)
Click on position and select your asset class
select your asset class and click on depreciation areas.
Enter Screen Layout 1000 and dep.key 000
7:-Current assets master data (AS01)
Click on Master data
Time Dependent tab
enter your cost center
Deprec. Area tab
Dkey 0000 enter and save
The asset 3 0 is created
8:- Assign Settlement Profile to Company Code (OAAZ)
Click on position select your co code and enter settlement profile YB00AI
Click on Save
9:- Maintain Number Ranges for Settlement Documents
Path:-simg, controlling, internal orders, Actual Postings, Settlement, Maintain Number Ranges for Settlement Documents.
Click on Change Groups
Assign Your controlling Area
Find your controlling area Ctrl+F
Select controlling area and click on Assign Element to Group
Assign mu no range and save
10:- AIAB - Distribute
Accounting, Financial Accounting, Fixed Assets, Posting, Capitalize Asset u. Const, AIAB – Distribute.
Click on Execute
Select line item and enter
Settlement Receiver 3-0
Go back select line item and save
11:- Settle (AIBU)
Path:-Accounting, Financial Accounting, Fixed Assets, Posting, Capitalize Asset u. Const, AIBU - Settle.
Remove test run and Execute
12 Asset Explorer (AW01N)