You have entered either the company code ADD2 or a plant assigned to this company code. However, the company code either does not exist or has not yet been configured for materials management.
Ask your system administrator to configure the company code.
Procedure for System Administration
Carry out the following activities as required:
Create the company code if it does not already exist.
You do this in Customizing for Enterprise Structure in the activity Define, copy, delete, check company code.
Make sure that a fiscal year variant is assigned to the company code.
You do this in Customizing for Financial Accounting (Global Settings) in the activity Enter global parameters.
Configure the company code for materials management.
You do this in Customizing for the Material Master in the activity Maintain company codes for materials management.
STEP 1 : Go to T Code OMSY or Follow the below Path to Configure
STEP 2 : Enter Fiscal Year and Provide the Period > SAVE
Adharsh K S