Ledger L2 is assigned to company code ADD1.
However, this ledger is not used in any ledger group that is assigned to a depreciation area of chart of depreciation ADD1.
System Response
The system issues this error message if you execute program RASFIN_MIGR_PRECHECK.
If you make changes in Customizing, they cannot be saved.
If you post a document, the posting is terminated.
Check the ledger assigned to your company code; check it in the general ledger and in Asset Accounting (in the chart of depreciation).
STEP 1: Go to Transaction Code OADB or follow the below configuration path and click on Copy Reference chart of Depreciation/Depreciation Areas.
STEP 2: Select the Depreciation Areas and click on Copy
STEP 3: Maintain Depreciation Area 03 and 04 for other Non-leading Ledger and currency Type
Adharsh K S