Input values must be defined in Table SKB1. The value or values 'EPSA 0000001001 ' are not specified in this table.
Check whether the input is correct and correct if necessary.
Procedure for System Administration
If this is not an incorrect entry, check the system settings and change them if necessary.
If there is a connection to the Customizing system, you can maintain the system settings by choosing Customizing in the Performance Assistant or Maintain Entries (F5) when displaying the help in a modal dialog box.
The Reason for this error is Missing GL (which is not created) in Company Code
Follow the below blog on How to Create New GL Account
STEP : Go to T code FS00 and Create the GL Account

Adharsh K S
The ideal candidate for the Cisco 350-501 SPCOR exam possesses practical knowledge of networking concepts, including Layer 2 and Layer 3 architectures. They should have hands-on experience with service provider environments and a desire to advance their career within this sector. The certification benefits individuals by validating their expertise in core service provider technologies, which is essential for roles such as network specialists or operations engineers within telecommunications companies or ISPs. By passing the exam, candidates demonstrate competence and readiness for handling complex service provider networks.